dilluns, 31 de maig del 2010


How different are the Harry Potter fans of Twilight? I think you mentioned that even the sound of screams were different.

It's different because I believe that only come from women of a certain age group, and have a very specific tone. It has much more to do with the kind of sexuality that have [the films]. Many girls made this guy his ideal, so when they see you as that project is all the energy in you. It is a very strange experience. I never had any experience in which people only want to touch you. It's like being in a boy band.

Is it surprising that very young girls having sex with you this incredible thing?

It is rare when an 8 year old girl comes to you and says, 'Can you bite me? I just want to bite me. " It's really strange how the girls are young, considering that the book is based on the virtues of chastity. But I guess that produced the opposite effect on readers [Laughter]

Do you think that's part of it? One of the things that makes Edward so appealing to young girls is that you can have it both ways: It is the latest model of bad guy, and someone should not want, but you know it never hurt you.

That is exactly what he is. It is an ideal way for the girls. I do not know what it is, when you look at the fan sites (you say), but there are definitely many people, in fact only the people of USA, who loves these guys. In the book she knows all the time that he will not hurt, but Kristen (Stewart) and I tried to do it without worrying too much, we wanted to do so unpredictable. It's what I liked about the story, he literally stopped every time, never let go.

He is a very gentleman, and Kristen and I stress very, very much so, especially in the intimate scenes. When we did the kissing scenes, we went further than the director, Catherine [Hardwicke] thought.

Why they wanted to carry those scenes in that direction?

I think as a way to scare young girls [laughs]. I mean, people who read the book did not expect it, and for a young person who sees the film, is also something shocking. When I read that scene in the book I thought it was sexy, and when transferring to a movie, the kiss is so small that it is like something you see is a TV series. So I thought, 'How can we make this is on the edge of the bad? ".

I think many people judged the film even before it started to shoot, and I did not want to be part of a film that was made just to make money. So we try to take as many risks as we could, and try to do a little more serious than people expected. It's hard to take as many risks.

What are you willing to take risks that ultimately could not do?

Edward is constantly saying, 'I'm a monster, I'ma monster, I'ma monster,' and no one ends up being. We shot the final scene at first and wanted the fight is not just a fight, so it literally became a monster. In the book saves the day often being the hero, but I noticed that when we were shooting the scene, was the first time he sees a lot of blood from her, and I thought it would be interesting for him if he wanted to kill her and then began fighting against himself for that.

There's a part that we cut in the PG-13 [For over 13 years], in part when I start to win you many tricks, but those tricks are so long that you can not see what Kristen and I wanted to do, which is literally kill her. At that point, is when you have become the beast. Then there is a scene where I try to attack, in which my father [Carlisle] tells me to stop. I think it is him who looks at me saying, 'I thought you were alone. You're my protege, and really, really no "

After that part in the film, he certainly sees who he really is, and no way to have a happy ending. I wanted to do really, really depressing. As a way to go farther and farther from the book while in small pieces recojía

I think many people who love books and love story will be puzzled by that. But I also think it's the best kind of love story, where every time he knows what he thinks and knows how many have doubts, and has many things about his weakness. Like, he can not commit suicide because they are afraid of not having a soul. No vampire can be a real vegetarian, can not be a real vampire, not a real man, can not be anything, and it's like, is completely powerless over everything. Then find the only thing that makes you feel alive, and can not even protect her. You can not do anything. He thinks he is an insignificant human being ... well, something.

Correct ...

Then it becomes much more incredible in the second book [New Moon] when both literally could have died when they left, and I wanted to do as the kinds of things from the opera Carmen. At the same time you can go and please other people [laughs], and can not bring you down a lot with it by the book

I wanted to play three times: When you save your life and it hurts to the touch when they kiss after you want to kill her, and when you are sucking their blood and were too afraid to kill her. Then the director gave me a copy of the book where you were underlined all the times in which he smiles and times when you touch it. So ...

Stephanie Meyer talked about a lot of influence of Victorian literature, which definitely is obvious in Twilight, even the character's name is Edward. Do you think there are qualities in Edward Victorian?

Yes, definitely I think there muchísmo Heathcliff.

What's attractive to make a character that made him famous and even now she does like?

It is misunderstood. It is attractive in women is something mystical. It is very obvious, but very few people have, especially on actual characters and especially in a modern society where there are many celebrities

You are in that position where you are playing this character that is attractive for its mystical and then not have that luxury.

Disappears. It makes no difference. But I interpreted very old, I tried to incorporate little things. I think there are very few young characters in modern films even have all forms of Restrictions may, unless some crazy. I suppose that Edward would be an athlete in a normal story, just acting normal, you can not change it. Everything is so underrated

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